Winter CSA Information

Sharing the Winter Harvest

Bialas Farms’ Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program allows members to extend the
traditional farm share season.Shareholders pay once then pick up a box of locally grown, seasonal veggies
during select weeks from November to January (see the application for exact dates). Many people choose to
‘split’ a share with a friend. It’s a great way to eat fantastic food, try new things and support local farming.

These are examples of possible share boxes:
[one_half]Sample Box #1
· 3 lbs Assorted Potatoes
· 3 lbs Onions
· 4 lbs Winter Squash
· 2 lbs Carrots
· 1 1/2 lbs Parsnips
· 1 box Shallots
· 2 Leeks
· 1 ½ lbs Spinach
· 1 bunch Kale
· 1 bunch Bok Choy[/one_half] [one_half]Sample Box #2
· 2 lbs Specialty Potatoes
· 1 ½ lbs Onions
· 1 pint Cippoline Onions
· 2lbs Rutabagas
· 2 lbs Red and Golden Beets
· 1 bunch Swiss Chard
· 1 large Celery Root
· 1 1/2 lbs Broccoli
· 1 stalk Brussels Sprouts[/one_half]


Customize Your Share for the Holidays

At a typical Winter CSA distribution, your “farmer’s choice” share will be assembled and ready for you to
pack into your reusable shopping bags. The pre-Thanksgiving share box is “free choice”. We allow you the
opportunity to customize your holiday share with one of our signature Declining Balance cards. You may
use the balance of this card anytime during the winter farm stand season.

Please be aware that our prepared winter CSA boxes will always contain a variety of potatoes and
squash. We do not offer swaps, refunds or reductions in price based on preferences. You may choose to
simply leave behind any item that you do not want. Better yet, share it with a friend and spread the farm

The quantity and variety of produce vary from week to week. We do our best to keep
the leafy greens growing in our heated greenhouses throughout the winter season. Our harvest throughout
the fall is carefully calculated to ensure an assortment of produce, but in the event of crop failures, we
cannot guarantee that everything on our crop list will be available at all times.

From Our Farm to Your Table

You will be thrilled by the wonderful dishes you can create with your farm share, and you will come to
appreciate what a difference it makes to truly eat locally grown and seasonal foods. If you happen upon
something you aren’t sure how to use, The FarmGirl will help you with recipes and serving ideas. Your
fellow CSA members are also valuable resources and our farm community is very helpful

In addition to your produce share, you will receive The FarmGirl Cooks’ e-newsletter prior to distribution.
In the newsletter, you will find a list of the items in your share along with storage tips and many recipes
so you can make the most of your farm share.

We look forward to Sharing the Harvest with you and your family.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact Kasha at the farm stand or by utilizing the contact form found here.

Print application or purchase online.

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