plant sale

2025 Plant Sale & Market

plant sale
Bialas Farms hosts their 13th Annual Spring Plant Sale & Market.
celebrate the 2025 Growing Season!
Visit the barn and shop for vegetable seedlings and herb plants grown especially for our Hudson Valley climate.
13th Annual Spring Plant Sale and Market
Saturday, May 17th  9am – 2pm
Inside the Barn @ Bialas Farms
75 Celery Avenue  New Hampton, NY 

Guest Vendors include: LunaGrown Jam, Black Rock Baker LLC, Tellefsen AtelierCedar Hill Botanicals, The Spice Apothecary, The Fearless Cooking Co. food truck

Visit the farm stand to SHOP and GET FED.

You don’t need a traditional garden, so don’t panic if you don’t have the space or the energy for a huge garden. Try these options, and think outside the box: • Existing Flower beds (perennial herbs are nice elements planted among annual flowers)
• Large free-standing pots or planters
• Hanging baskets or railing planters
• Raised beds made of wood or cinder block or brick
• Kiddie pool (helpful to keep mints from establishing a larger presence than you’d like)|
• Buckets, troughs, large tubs, wheelbarrows (make sure they have drainage holes), old sinks or clawfoot tubs (they have drains!)

Most of the herbs you’ll find at Bialas Farms are perennials and will come back next spring. Just give them a good trim in the fall (or spring if you forget in the fall) and they will do what comes naturally when the time is right. Remember, sometimes weather conditions are extreme and plants may not survive the winter. Just dig out the old material and put new in its place.

The vegetable seedlings offered for sale at the event are all things that Bialas Farms grows to harvest later on in the season. The varieties are chosen based on flavor and production and we hope you’ll enjoy growing them as much as we do. Your favorite farmers will be on hand to help you make your selections and offer gardening tips.

We look forward to seeing your gardens as they progress through the season. Tag our social media channels and show off!
@thefarmgirlcooks (#bialasfarms)     Facebook: @bialasfarms

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