Babci’s Best 24-hr Dill Pickles
For 3 quart jars or 6 pint (wide mouth is easiest but any jar or container will do as long as it has a tight-fitting lid):
2 quarts water 1/4 cup salt
1 cup vinegar 1/2 cup sugar
* Bring brine ingredients to a boil and simmer 2 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool completely.
* Meanwhile, pack very clean jars with sliced or speared kirby cucumbers (about 3-4 lbs). Slip in a few dill sprigs (include flowers/seed heads) and garlic cloves and even hot peppers if you like.
* Fill jars to the top with cool brine. Secure the lids then set jars aside for 24 hours. After 24 hours, your pickles are ready to refrigerate and enjoy!
* These are REFRIGERATOR pickles and will NOT be shelf-stable. They will keep for several months in the fridge.
© TheFarmGirlCooks and Bialas Farms 2022