What’s In A Share Box?

Community Supported Agriculture is a unique way to feed yourself and your family while giving your local farm a huge economic boost. When farms are planting and growing vegetables and fruits, it often takes months before they can harvest anything for sale.

Bialas Farms offers FARMER'S CHOICE shares for those who wish to experience the absolute best of each week of the growing season.

With this CSA farm share program, you are paying Bialas Farms for 18 weeks' worth of fresh produce BEFORE the harvest begins. That helps the farm pay bills that would otherwise have to wait until produce is harvested and sold later in the summer. Farming is a big gamble, but with an extensive product line, we have a large variety of products to offer our community.

Farmer's Choice shares do not have a SPECIFIC PRODUCT LIST, nor are they customizable. Instead, the Bialas farmers choose the best of what is available in any given week, and members are provided with a selection of delightful Black Dirt Treasures. Weather conditions (like too much rain, drought, extreme heat or cold), insects and disease pressure all play a role in determining what is available. The FARMER'S CHOICE farm share season begins mid-to-late June and continues through October. Members pick up their shares on the same day each week.

In addition to the veggies, members receive a weekly email newsletter that lists what is in the share that week. We don't expect members to know what to do with everything we include in shares, so we send plenty of recipes plus storage and preparation tips. If you're interested in expanding your menu, the Farmer's Choice share is the way to go.

Below you'll find a listing of what was in the first 16 weekly shares in 2022. This is not exactly what will be in the shares in 2025, but it is a good representation of what is seasonal and abundant during any given week. We try to ensure that members get a little of everything we grow here at Bialas Farms at some point during the CSA season. Large and small share sizes typically receive the same items, but large shares naturally get more of each. The Farm Stand is open during CSA distribution times if there are additional items you need to complete your menus for the week.










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